Wednesday, December 28, 2005


A Message from Kathy...

I will, with the author's permission, only cut and paste an email message I received from Kathy, our Operations Manager, regarding Christmas day at THE FARM. The message is clear. Our purpose is in her heart. WE are the ones blessed to have her amongst us. Read on and enjoy...

From: Kathy
To: Tara,
Subject: Thank You
Date: Mon, 26 Dec 2005 01:17:15 AM

After I got home I started to do odd jobs about the house and all the time was thinking of my day and what a GREAT DAY it was. Who could ask for any more? I get to see a woman excited about barn clothes and even more excited about her side kick, Lady-The-Dog, getting new legs. Then I go to a family gathering and laugh and watch the kids have fun and feel whole. I then venture back to THE FARM and to my other
family made up of cats, a dog, horses and two wonderful people. Here, too, I laugh and watch the animals enjoy their life on THE FARM and I feel whole and at peace. I then get home and read a card from my great nephew - I know his mom wrote it but again I feel on top of the world. It reads, "You Love Horses and so do I, No wonder you're terrific in my eyes! You are a very special person and I'm blessed to call you my Great Aunt! Love Always, Cameron". So I cry but as I'm crying I think where would I be with out you, Sandy Gilbert? What would my life be like without Refuge Farms? Because then, too, I would not have met Tara who makes me feel young! Because with you, Tara, I don't feel my age emotionally. You both add much to my life. With you two I have a purpose. I thank Refuge Farms, "home of Horses Helping..." and God for leading me down this path.

Love You Both,

Enjoy the journey of each and every day,
Sandy and The Herd bringing in 2006 with Peace all around us!

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