Sunday, January 22, 2006



I must say, this past week has been "typical"....kind of a scary statement, isn't it? But really, it's been "normal" around here....oohhh, I'm even starting to scare myself now!

Nothing big or extraordinary happened all week long - these rescued and healing horses stayed healthy and were relatively calm every day....the weather stayed in the very mild category....the Allis is still running....I'm still walking....and Kathy is still as dependable as ever. As you can see, "normal" and "typical" at Refuge Farms is outstanding to most everyone else!

And to top it all off, the week closed with a most glorious day! Yesterday was Saturday and THE FARM was closed to the public but volunteers came out so we could just get back together and regroup. Tara was back from a family vacation to Las Vegas, our Tracy was back from her holiday trip to the West Coast, Lambing Barb was dressed impeccably, as usual, and so very clean!, and Lynn and Kathy were, of course, present. We cleaned barns, refilled the cleaned stock tanks (in January in Wisconsin - amazing!), plowed the driveway, restocked the feed bin, and just enjoyed each other.

At about 2pm, Monica appeared for "the interview".

You see, Refuge Farms will be one of several rescues featured in a publication called Horse & Family, a free publication created by horse lovers for horse lovers. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to tell our story and was most excited about Monica's visit! So we all walked out to the barn and the introductions and stories began.

I do so enjoy telling the stories of THE FARM!....and watching the faces of the visitors as they absorb the history of the creature who is sleeping under their touch....the faces that realize the past pains and trauma and now see the gentleness and easiness of the creature next to them. Needless to say, the words "forgiveness" and "loyalty" and "trust" came in to our conversation frequently.

The afternoon passed quickly in the pasture surrounded by Beauty, Jimmer, Josephina, Lanna, Bonita, Big Guy, and the others. Sunshine and the easy 30 degree temperature had the horses a bit sleepy but not too sleepy to come up for pets and hugs. Monica is a horse lover and owner herself and loves draft horses. So it was fun to see her respond to the size of Jimmer and Bonita and Big could just see her face lighten up and her eyes widen as they came up to her!

And Lady-the-Dog was out with us parading around in her K-9 Cart, showing off and barking each time a horse came just too close to her fence line....doing her job as usual! What more could I ask for?

Both herds enjoyed the day and I, in particular, could not soak it up fast enough. It is good to be where I am. It is good to have friends and visitors come to my back yard and find fun and companionship and laughter and enjoyment. It is good to see the creatures enjoy us, too. Healing at all levels....and of course, hugs when it's time to leave for the day....hugs are a must at Refuge Farms....even for Monica on her first visit!

I'm going to close this blog entry with a piece of an email from one of the volunteers who was at THE FARM yesterday:

WOW! SUPERB! EXCELLENT!! THRILLING! HEART WARMING! Can't find enough exclamations to express how wonderful the day was!! The HERD and the other herd enjoying each other and all basking in the sun!! Positive feedback from Monica regarding our wonderful HERD!! WHAT A WONDERFUL DAY!! A DEFINITE HIGH! I am thrilled to be part of the other herd!!

This is the part where I say that I am the lucky one to be surrounded by such people and creatures....I would be no other place....a "normal" week at THE FARM is a good thing....for all of us!

Enjoy the journey of each and every day,
Sandy and The Herd and The Other Herd

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