Sunday, December 31, 2006
A look back...
What a week it has been! The world seems topsy-turvy as this 2006 comes to a close and the New Year of 2007 opens its arms to us.
One of the most ominous events of this week has been the hanging of a dictator. A hanging determined to be the just sentence for crimes he was judged to have committed against the Human Race. A hanging conducted by the very band of people this dictator had worked to exterminate. A hanging conducted in the dead of our night with a burial ordered by the new government to be completed prior to their dawn. An exit from this life veiled in secrecy and with extraordinary precautions. The power of the man followed him to his grave.
On the other side of the world, the raucous funeral service of the Godfather of Soul, Funk, Disco, and Rock was held on the same day. This man’s funeral was truly a celebration complete with dancing and loud music and cheers and bands playing his songs and clapping and tears. Celebrities came out of seclusion to pay their respects and to stand at the podium to proclaim their love of this musician. This burial was anything but dark – it was a loud noise accompanying this history maker in to his next life. The power of the man followed him to his grave.
And some of us sat still long enough to pay our respects, through the medium of television, to our 38th President as he traveled from California to Washington, D.C. I was struck by the “ordinary” tone of the ceremony. How the procession was grand and respectful and elegant - not gaudy or royal in its appearance. This man’s life was moved from his chosen, private life of service to a life of full disclosure and total lack of privacy because of the actions of a friend. This life change was thrust upon him and he embraced the request. And I so respect this man largely because he held his family and his faith close to him and used both to lead him as he became our leader. He pardoned his predecessor knowing full well that his opposition would use that act – successfully, at that – against him. But still, with his steady hand, he pardoned the man based upon his belief in forgiveness and how forgiveness is needed for healing. This quote of his is one of my favorite: “Everyone comes to your side when you win. Only your friends come to your side when you lose.” The power of the man will follow him to his grave.
And then, quietly in Loyal, Wisconsin, a young man was brought back to his home for a memorial service and proper burial. This young man was only a few years out of high school but his manhood came to full bloom as he chose to serve his country in this time of war. This little town in rural Wisconsin will bury its second son lost in this war – just one of over nine hundred lost just this year. Another family torn at its seams as we all struggle to understand if we really belong there…. Are we being pretentious in imposing our beliefs on another culture…. Is the cost of thousands of lives lost from this world worth it…? The power of this young man will follow him to his grave.
And during the night, as I sheltered some of the weaker ones in the herd from the rains (yes, rains!) of December, I remembered another man who used his influence and his power to challenge this woman to make a difference in and with her life. To get out of her rut of “doing” and “having” and become a whole person by “being”. How his simple challenge took my life and took it on a right angle turn! How this man, with his simple challenge, has created in me a wholeness that I would never have guessed existed! That I would thrill at holding a dozen cupcakes with birthday candles out to The Old Man as we celebrated his birthday in the barn! And that the face of The Old Man would tell me that he, too, was a kid once again! And that we both would rejoice at the series of events that brought us to know each other! This man, my friend, who challenged me, in fact, gifted me with life and the true contentment of doing good. The power of the man lives within me every single day.
2006. What a year. The possibilities of 2007 are unlimited and unending – we are only restricted by our energy and willingness to try! And to all of you, I give you my best wishes and intentions for this New Year! Blessings abounding to each of you! And for the entire world, I pray:
Enjoy the journey of each and every day,
Sandy and The Herd